Greater Cincinnati Business & Professional Women
Greater Cincinnati Business & Professional Women

Our Legislative Platform


Our Mission: To achieve equity for all women in the workplace and to empower all women through advocacy, education, and information. Established in 1920.

PREAMBLE: The Alice Paul Equal Rights Amendment shall stand first, foremost and above all other items which may appear on the Legislative Platform of this Federation until equal rights for women and men become guaranteed in the United States Constitution.


THE ALICE PAUL EQUAL RIGHTS AMENDMENT: Equality of rights under the law shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any state on account of sex.


CIVIL RIGHTS:  Actively work to pass legislation, which will ensure equal rights and remedies for women in all phases of their lives, including support of affirmative action programs; and eliminate all forms of harassment against individuals, and strengthen and improve voting registration, access and fair representation.


ECONOMIC EQUITY: Actively work to support equal educational opportunities; equal treatment for women in all areas of employment, including adequate retirement benefits, improved programs for women re-entering the workforce, and implementation of equal pay for work of comparable worth.


DEPENDENT CARE Actively work to strengthen and improve funding for enrichment programs, physical facilities and affordable quality dependent care of all ages regardless of limitations and abilities.


VICTIM RIGHTS: Actively work to strengthen and enforce legal protection for all individuals who are victims of violent acts including domestic and/or sexual violence (including coercive control); human trafficking; promote violence prevention programs; support services and facilities for survivors of this violence and the funding thereof; and support legislation that provides compensatory and punitive damage awards to victims.


HEALTH: Actively work to strengthen and enforce legal protection for full access to all health care services including mental health, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), reproductive choice, funding for research into and protection for women’s health care and educational programs concerning women’s health issues.


POLICY ITEMS: Actively work for the election of and appointment to policy-making positions those who support the BPW Legislative Platform.

Adopted May 2023



January 25, 2025  Saturday

 Fairfield  Chamber MTG RM

10:30 AM - 12:00 PM




RSVP please



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